High Security Bolt Seals, Bolt Seals, Security Bolt Seals, Container Seals, Truck Seals, High Security Bolt Seals, Bolt Seals, Security Bolt Seals, Container Seals, Truck Seals
Why High Security Bolt Seals
Security seals are temper evident mechanism used to seal cargo in transit shipping containers in a way that provides tamper evidence and some level of security. Such seals can help to detect theft or contamination, either accidental or deliberate. Bolt seals are commonly used to secure truck trailers, vessel containers, chemical drums, airline duty-free trolleys and utility meters. Typically they are considered an inexpensive way of providing tamper evidence of intrusion into sensitive spaces. A High Security Bolt Seal is constructed and manufactured of material such as metal or metal cable with the intent to delay intrusion and have been designed to conform with world customs and ISO security seal standards.The requirements for certain security level of seals are defined in the ISO 17712. The Bolt Seals that belong to the high security level and security level are also called "Barrier Seals". They are made of different metals or metal alloys, meaning that they require special tools to be opened, such as bolt cutters
Why bolt seals are better than cable seals
Security seals give companies the opportunity to safeguard their products from theft, unauthorized access and tampering/contamination throughout transportation and warehousing. Seals offer additional protection and reliability for the operator. Companies have options to choose from a variety of seals, however the 2 most commonly preferred seals are Cable seals & Bolt Seals. Since every seal has its own distinct functionality, people must choose the seal which perfectly matches their requirements. For purchasers, safety seals companies throughout North America show clear distinctions among the 2 types of seals. Here we have explained some differences between the two shipment seals for those who are confused about what kind of seal they should choose. Let's start with what they are.
Bolt Seal
A bolt seal is a robust locking tool that serves as a single-use padlock Bolt seals are sealants of excellent safety. With its simple self-locking mechanism, features such as customizable color, print and barcode provide an additional layer of security. Standards are necessary for bolt seals to guarantee adherence with laws and regulations like CBSA guidelines in Canada and Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) in United States.
Cable Seal
Cable sealing are made of twisted steel wire typically between 1.5mm – 5mm thick. They are flexible, as opposed to bolt seals making them suitable for the sealing of doors and other items with small openings, non-linear gaps or to be passed through several loop locations.
Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High security Bolt seal, Bolt Seal, Bolt seals, High

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